Church size, denomination, theological tradition, worship style, preaching, pastoral leadership, and opportunities for college-age students are just a few of the many things to prayerfully consider when selecting a local church. In addition to being mindful of these preferences and needs, you might also reflect on these questions:
1. Is this a church where I seem comfortable but find that I’m challenged as well?
2. Though community and friendship will certainly be important, is it possible that I might be choosing a church because it’s just easier to go there with my group?
3. Am I being honest about and have I thought through questions I have or places of discomfort I experience with regards to theology, practice, or the way the church is led?
4. Do I need, primarily at this stage in my journey, to be with fellow college students at church, or might I need an experience that is more intergenerational?
5. Should I give myself the opportunity, in this unique chapter of my life, to “look around” and learn about and from other traditions?
6. Knowing God often speaks to us in a deep and even bodily way, where am I feeling a resonance in my heart?
“May the Lord be with you” in your search and make this journey peacefully. Think of it as a delightful journey, a sacred adventure, rather than something “you have to get right.” Trust in that wisdom from the gospels, “If you seek, you’ll find.”